
Tip to the Trip

Iran in Depth, Tip to the Trip

Money matters – Do you need a travel debit card for your Iran trip?

So you’ve decided to take a trip to Iran! Afarin, as they say in Persian, which means something like, good on you!

Because Iran is a bit cut off from the international world, there are some additional considerations to ponder and decisions to make before you set out. Don’t panic, Iran’s isolation is largely diplomatic and political so unlike other countries that suffer major sanctions, in Iran, you will always be able to find decent food, healthcare, transportation, English speakers and hotels.

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Iran in Depth, Tip to the Trip, Travel Guides

Chalus Road; The Ace of Iranian Mountain Roads

Chalus Road or “Jade Chalus” or any other transit route to the north of Iran, or how Iranian call it “Shomal”, are not just candy-twist steep paths and highways through the long stream of Alborz mountains isolating the north of the country from the rest of it, they are green pathways to scarcely touched Persian (Iranian) heavens with traffic jams over the holidays that could make you feel the hell that was prophesied in the Great Testimony and Jesus warned us all about.

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Tip to the Trip, Travel Guides

Best Hotels in Mashhad For Couples

The city of Mashhad in Iran isn’t actually the best place for a romantic get-away unless you’re a devout Muslim couple which would turn the trip into a life-time experience and something comparable to a Paris tour. Nonetheless, having some clue about which hotels are the best resting places and the best hotels in Mashhad for couples traveling to the second largest city of Iran will cause you no harm.

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Tip to the Trip, Travel Guides

IKIA’s Hotels; One Hotel Split into Two

We all have been there; having to wait for our delayed flight back home or to a new destination for a slow-going couple of hours that makes us think “What possibly have I done to deserve such a fate”. The mental image of having to sit on airports unpleasant seat for some hours is so tiresome that many of us decide to just give in to them and just fall asleep right on them where we should go to an airport hotel.

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